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Why Olympia Beer? Everyone remembers their first beer, I remember going to my friend Bills house and drinking his Dad's Little Olys and playing pool. I also remember the cool Olympia Beer signs that his dad had throughout the rec room.

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This website is your guide to all of the great breweriana and advertising of the Olympia Brewing Company from pre pro trays to lighted plastic motion signs and one of a kind prototypes and mockups I will do my best to update and make changes as time allows me. This site is intended only as an informational guide and is pictures of my collection unless otherwise noted. 

I always welcome seeing things I have never seen before and sharing my passion with other collectors I hope you enjoy these pages and share them with others


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Whats it worth? The Simple answer what someone is willing to pay for it. The More complicated answer do your homework research the item chances are you will find it or a similar item on eBay this way you can find out what others are willing to pay for it. Other great places to search for breweriana are Craigslist Offer Up Facebook Marketplace flea markets garage sales etc... Other important factors to consider on value are size giant outdoor signs while nice are too big for most collections and should be valued accordingly. Also since this website is an ongoing project there are many items that are not shown within its pages so if you have a question or are interested in selling something please contact me
Looking at the images above and below these are reproduction images from old time calendars and as such there value is pretty nill. These beautiful ladies show up in various forms on trays mirrors thermometers wood barnboard etc.. They really don't have much value unless you like them. As someone once said if it looks to good to be true it probaby is

Premium "Bill" Mugrage. I owe a lot to my knowledge of Olympia Breweriana to my friend Bill Mugrage. Many a late night was spent in Bill's basment trying to keep up with Bill on a ice cold Oly, Hamm's or a PBR and talking about beer breweries and the charecters that ran them. Bill forgot more than I will ever know about the great breweries in the Northwest. As a pioneer colector in the early 70s Bill got around and talked and made friends with as many people as he could picking their brains. I know he used to tell me stories about the things he learned from Bill Camarano about the beer business in the 30s. Bill aquired an amazing collection of breweriana from all over the Northwest and had fun doing it. Special thanks too to Bill's wife Ellen who has been very generous and gracious in her dealings with Bill's collection after he passed on.  So heres to you Bill I really miss you.