Store and Tavern Displays

Colorfull and artistic displays were always an important part of helping to lure the prospective consumer to make the right choice
Above and below pictures from an some sort of trade show exhibit from the late 1940's easily datable by the touting of using stainless steel kegs something that Olympia started doing exclusivly in 1947
Some interesting things to note from the above image from 1958-60 this is a picture of a Seattle area tavern as there are some stickers that have Lang and Co distributer on them. Also very interesting that they still have ball knobs on the draft towers as by this time there were a number of different lucite tap markers. The stickers on the draft tower are also definitley early 50s as the dark blue and orange dominate the color scheme
Takin it easy at Charle Browns Tavern in Pullman Wa in summer of 67